Help! We need some ideas about how to make the spacesuit vent gas!
In the script, a hole in the leg of the astronaut's suit vents a stream of gas after her fall.
Our initial plan was to feed a tube under the suit, leading to the hole and attach the other end of the tube to a powder-based fire extinguisher. HOWEVER, this idea hasn't worked out. The tube gets blocked really quickly and the extinguisher pumps out way too much powder - which additionally is really messy!
What we need it a nice continuous stream of pressurized gas blasting out of the suit - dry ice would be ideal but we've no idea how to make this work. we're also concerned that there might be safety issues with a tube of dry ice running past the actor's thigh.
We intend to supplement the effect with a particle emitter in post, such as can be found in Motion for example, but we would prefer to have a real stream of gas coming out of the suit if possible.
If anyone has any bright ideas about how to make this work - on a budget! - please let us know!