Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rained out!

This Saturday is a no-go for filming, I'm afraid, folks. The forecast is too grim to bother. Even if its not raining, we need DRY sand to keep continuity happy!

Please tentatively put Saturday the 3rd of October in your diaries and we'll send through a confirmation shortly.

Sooner or later, we'll beat nature and get this movie filmed! ;-)

Makeup for animals...

Phoenix Renata, who has served as our back-up makeup artist, and whose partner Chev designed our astronaut's make up and has been helping out on Last Flight's special effects, is in the news. Check it out here.

Backed by a talented group of makeup artists, Phoenix, has created a 2010 calendar of fashion makeup-art to raise money for the SPCA. The calendar will be launched on 20 October at St Paul Street Gallery, Auckland, alongside an exhibition of photographs by Ma'an Adbul-Hafeedh, taken during the calendar's shoots.

I'll put up a link when copies are available... From what I've seen of it, it's a beautiful looking calendar. Yaay, Phoenix!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Folks, we've set our first (tentative) date for our last location shoot on Saturday 26.

Our backup day is Saturday Oct 3rd, and if we're really unlucky with the weather, (and we can get everyone!) Saturday 10.

After that we just need a short day at the Studio and we're done! Yay! Let's wrap this puppy up!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The plan, stan...

Spring is here! Yay!

What that means for us is getting our last day at Bethells filmed. To do that we need at least 2 days of sun - one day to dry out the sand, and another to film. It won't be a long day - just 7 hours or so. After that we need to shoot about 6 hours at the studio - and then we're done! So Bethells is the main thing, and after that it's mostly clean up.

So, please stand by and wait for our call. And cross you fingers for some more sun!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

NZ Film Month...

Interested in NZ film? Then check out Ant Timpson's proposal at Filmhead.

"Dear Person Interested in NZ Film,

I think the below is a fair and true statement to make.

"Local films are made with lots of love and passion".

A great romance is someone falling in love with a story and wanting to create it for others to embrace. Bitten by this love bug, local casts and crews work in harmony on something they all want to love. The fairytale ending is seeing the story unfold on a big silver screen.

But like all great love affairs it usually ends in...
tragedy..." (read on...)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Off for editing...

Last Flight has now gone off to Richie for editing... A real pro! I can't wait to see what he comes up with!