Sunday, July 18, 2010

After Effects first draft...

Been slogging through After Effects... Here's one of my first attempts at compositing in it...

As well as a sky created in Vue, the image features animated dust clips and an optical flare, and the footage (shot at Sunset Studios) was cleaned up in PhotoShop...

Whew - it's been a real geeky weekend, but I freakin love doin the detail stuff!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Awesome tech discovery of the week....

...I can open video in PhotoShop and edit it directly there! OMG!! I Looove technology!

Spot the difference below - I have removed an annoying thread from an LF shot, frame by frame... in PhotoShop!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

...and another Mars film.

Again, both these films differ from mine, particularly in that their's are finished.

MARS! from Joe Bichard and Jack Cunningham on Vimeo.