Just a taste of what's possible. We would be using a combination of CG and real footage. We need to do a few test shoots first though, both on location and at my studio.
Good stuff, Adam. I did have a chuckle at the breath-ID in Aliens IV they mention - it sure does seem like they were reaching a bit. Let's not have breath-ID on our display unit, huh? ;-)
Looks great Zane. interesting link guys http://w5.cs.uni-sb.de/~butz/teaching/ie-ss03/papers/HCIinSF/
Good stuff, Adam. I did have a chuckle at the breath-ID in Aliens IV they mention - it sure does seem like they were reaching a bit. Let's not have breath-ID on our display unit, huh? ;-)
Looks amazing. I feel claustrophobic watching it.... would be great to make the audience feel the same and want to escape.
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