We've completed about 80% of the filming at this stage. We've got about 7 hours filming to go on location and another 6 hours green screen. We're hoping to wrap this up by the end of the month.
From there we're launching into full-scale post, which will be pretty involved - but should be fun too! This will include sky replacement, various effects, compositing, grading and some CG. So I guess we actually still have quite a road ahead of us. We're always on the look out for helping hands and advice however!
Well I do have a general purpose pair of hands. And I'd be keen to help out any way I can just to get the chance to see how you're going about filming things.
I have some post production experience from my time in the animation salt mines / industry, but not up to photoreal CG seagull standards I'm afraid.
But let me know when / where / what you're after and I'll see if I can figure something out to help.
Oh BTW, my names Andrew not Anonymous, just have a phobia about giving my details to faceless corporations :)
Cheers, Andrew. Unfortunately for you, this website is actually based out of Nigeria and we already have your bank account details.
Anyway, that sounds great. We'll be on the look out for people to help in the post production stage if you're keen. A lot of the shots are going to need work, and the more the merrier - and the better the quality I hope!
Nice to know that someone in Nigeria knows that I'm nearly flat broke as well. :-)
But regarding post work, perhaps I mislead, yes I've had my share of tedious rotoscoping and struggles to get some green/blue screen footage to composite respectably, but that was then...
Now that I don't work there anymore, I don't really have access to the software tools or grunty PCs to do that sort of thing anymore. There might be some free software out there that I can use on my olde PC to help out, but until I know exactly what you're needing I can only guess...
That said though, I've kinda spent way too much time sitting in front of a computer all day, so I'm really looking for an excuse to get out and pick up some more experience working on set.
If your crew roster's all full up, and you don't want some stranger standing around watching you work, thats cool, just thought I'd ask, since I'm having a hard time finding that magical place where filmmakers (and wannabe filmmakers) gather to socialize, talk shop, look for cast and crew, etc.
Can I ask where you're at production wise?
Since this looks like a very cool project, I kick myself that I only just discovered it when you look to be nearly finished. :-(
Very much looking forward to seeing the finished film though.
We've completed about 80% of the filming at this stage. We've got about 7 hours filming to go on location and another 6 hours green screen. We're hoping to wrap this up by the end of the month.
From there we're launching into full-scale post, which will be pretty involved - but should be fun too! This will include sky replacement, various effects, compositing, grading and some CG. So I guess we actually still have quite a road ahead of us. We're always on the look out for helping hands and advice however!
Well I do have a general purpose pair of hands.
And I'd be keen to help out any way I can just to get the chance to see how you're going about filming things.
I have some post production experience from my time in the animation salt mines / industry, but not up to photoreal CG seagull standards I'm afraid.
But let me know when / where / what you're after and I'll see if I can figure something out to help.
Oh BTW, my names Andrew not Anonymous, just have a phobia about giving my details to faceless corporations :)
Cheers, Andrew. Unfortunately for you, this website is actually based out of Nigeria and we already have your bank account details.
Anyway, that sounds great. We'll be on the look out for people to help in the post production stage if you're keen. A lot of the shots are going to need work, and the more the merrier - and the better the quality I hope!
Nice to know that someone in Nigeria knows that I'm nearly flat broke as well. :-)
But regarding post work, perhaps I mislead, yes I've had my share of tedious rotoscoping and struggles to get some green/blue screen footage to composite respectably, but that was then...
Now that I don't work there anymore, I don't really have access to the software tools or grunty PCs to do that sort of thing anymore.
There might be some free software out there that I can use on my olde PC to help out, but until I know exactly what you're needing I can only guess...
That said though, I've kinda spent way too much time sitting in front of a computer all day, so I'm really looking for an excuse to get out and pick up some more experience working on set.
If your crew roster's all full up, and you don't want some stranger standing around watching you work, thats cool, just thought I'd ask, since I'm having a hard time finding that magical place where filmmakers (and wannabe filmmakers) gather to socialize, talk shop, look for cast and crew, etc.
Regards - Andrew
Andrew - let's continue this discussion via email - damon@lastflightmovie.com
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