It turns out that working with animals is a dumb idea. For all the fish and bread we threw at our "blue screen" tarpaulin for 2 hours, the bloody birds refused to go near it. Eventually a star was born (below) when one of the birds finally plucked up enough courage to give us the performance we needed.
We also collected a difficult special effects shot: a POV with freezing aerosol blasting out of our body double's space suit leg down at Sentinel beach in Herne Bay. It looked fantastic however, and our new body double, Frances Wilkie, was a legend. Thanks also to Treve, for giving up a golf day to stand around and throw bread at the gulls.

Not the best blue screen I've seen, I hope it was cheap. Where your blue sheets in the wash?
Er, yeah, a sheet would've been a good idea now that you mention it. Mind you, I'm sure the bastard gulls would've avoided walking on that too.
Wait till you see the stuff which ISN'T against the tarpaulin... I've resigned myself to some serious masking work, truth be known...
Anyway the footage is all in the bag, so let's meet up!
I know that look: "My contract specifically says that I'm to get stale french fries with my meals!!. If anyone wants me, I'll be in my"
I recognise that manky old tarpaulin!!! Cool blue steel stare from the gull boy...x
Sadly, we had to bin it after what Poolander did to our faithful old tarp...
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