Big thanks to Paul, who has taken on a bunch of shots and given me lots of really useful pointers with my own work - which I'm still struggling with at times. Don't let anyone ever tell you that compositing is easy! It's detail-focused and time consuming: I've gone back to shots a number of times just because of some nagging detail that was eating away at me. And tracking... @#!$!*! Try tracking a computer display to some tiny screen that is jerking around like a bastard. The horror.
The screen-grab below is a shot that Paul has been chugging away at. I gotta say, he swears a lot less than me while he's working. Better results too.

Lovely stuff.
I feel your pain, been there done that.
Sorry I can't help out at the moment, maybe next time... :-)
Cheers guys, I really shouldn't complain - it's also great fun!
I'm glad you chose the one shot where I used a dirty great lens flare as an example of the quality of my work.
This is sci fi, remember. I'm not sure how many non-lens flare shots we actually have.
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