Monday, February 8, 2010

Fly birdy, fly!

Rendered the computer generated seagull (see previous post) in Vue 7 and have dropped it into some of our green screen footage from Sunset Studios.

It's pretty unpolished, but looks like it may be fine for some of the more distant birdy shots - especially once we throw in a bit of dust and grade the sucka. Nice!

Seagull test from Damon Keen on Vimeo.


j4p4n said...

looks good! fairly realistic,... but needs to be like smoothed or blurred around the edge or something imho, its a bit too sharp looking

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree, a bit of blur. I also want to speed up the flaps a bit I think. I not sure seagulls have such a stately flap.

Kiri said...

Wicked awesome my friend!!! Have emailed our CG extraordinaire so we'll