Thursday, May 6, 2010


So... 50 hours rendering 40 seconds of Martian sky early this week (for the scene below), followed my 35 hours for 7 seconds of fast moving Martian clouds Weds/Thurs. My poor old computer is crawling.

I'll say one thing though, Vue does a beautiful job of skies; it's clouds are beautiful - it's certainly a godsend for us.

Every shot has now been assigned a job bag and handed over to Sunset for coordination.

Also a big welcome to Harry from Melbourne who is experimenting creating dust for a number of shots. Can't wait to see his results!


Kiri said...

That looks awesome sweet... So much work, well done! I'm still here so let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do babe!!! x

Anonymous said...

Cheers ears! Don't you worry, we'll be in touch.... Which reminds me, Sarah B said to give her a call if you want some LF homework to get started on.... GOWAN!

random.user said...

I've done Vue too, good program, but I found its hard to get the trees to look realistic closeup... but mars doesnt have trees, so yall luckedout! ;) more preview shots?!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've had trouble with close up material too, but anything a bit further away looks great - especially at dawn and dusk, which is when lots of our renders are for...